Sherry's Story
Saving a nest egg for her future with the help of DC Credit Union.
Sherry’s first exposure to DC Credit Union was when credit union representatives came to visit to her employer to let them know about the products and services they offer to agency employees.
At the time, Sherry was caught between whether to open up a savings account with a bank or with the credit union. After talking with a DC Credit Union employee and hearing about what the credit union could offer, she decided to open up an account with DC Credit Union.
She has been really happy with her decision. Opening up her checking and savings accounts has enabled Sherry to start saving, which is very important to her. By starting to put money aside every month, Sherry has built a small nest egg.
“I feel good about the savings that I’m currently undertaking,” says Sherry. “The convenience allows me to continue to save. The staff, their products—everything is excellent.”
According to Sherry, as she gets up in age, she intends to continue saving with the credit union so that she can have a nice little savings under her belt for retirement.
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